
Archive for September, 2010

Don’t worry, friends, I haven’t decided to rescind the promise of my subtitle.  I was in Alabama, I was in Rome, and now I’m back. We moved in to a new house a few weeks ago, and life has been a whirl of discombobulation since then.  Finally, things are settling down.  Or at least flowing in somewhat predictable currents.

Here’s part of our new kitchen, shot by Jack:

Foodwise, we’ve been eating well thanks to the introduction into Auburn of Earthfare, the small grocery chain with Whole-Foods style and selection.  The only problem with it is that I enjoy shopping there so much that I haven’t yet been to the farmers’ market. (There’s also the fact that the FM happens after my last class on Thursday, and at that point I just want to go home and flop.)

My locavore behavior will improve, however, with the beginning of the Red Root Farm CSA season.

In other news….

Here’s something interesting.  While we were gone, two of our friend-couples went veg.  Seeing Food Inc. had something to do with it in both cases.

I’ve managed to maintain a semblance of my coffee-drinking habits from Rome with the help of my Bialetti Brikka—a glass-topped version with a pressure-trapping valve that makes a crema almost as good as one from a cafe espresso maker.  I bought the Brikka in a fancy little kitchen shop just off of Piazza Venezia and secretly shipped it home to give to Peter for his birthday in July. He was not impressed.  “You got me a coffee maker?”  I felt silly.  Our anniversary was coming up—another gift occasion—so I bought him Roberto Calasso’s new book, Tiepolo Pink. Score!  Now I can’t wait to take over that gift too.

Oh yeah, in past locavore news from the summer, when I was on Nantucket with Jack, my parents, my sister and her son, Jeremiah, the kids went crabbing, and Jeremiah caught a good-sized blue crab. It gave everyone else the willies, so I got to eat it all.

The course I’m teaching, with a group of other professors from different disciplines, is a year-long sustainability symposium.  This semester, we’re focusing on food and water systems. It’s a pretty great teaching opportunity.  Next week we’re going to shock our innocent freshmen with Food Inc.

As I write, Jack is practicing his violin.  Every time I make a little suggestion, he says, “Mommy! Just don’t say anything.”  Ooh!

Now he’s ready to go out and ride his bike, so I’ve got to run.  The streets are deserted because everyone in town is tailgating before the first big game.

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